Saturday, June 25, 2011

Blanket #7 is ready for assembly.

Blanket #7 is ready for assembly and includes squares from the following generous contributors:

Darcy B of KS

Marie A of MA

Michelle K of AL

Janice W of ND

Anne G of NC

Susan F of NH

Steph B of NJ

Brenda S of MO

Liz E of MN

Cindy H of MN

Mary Y of MO

Beth P of MA (this is me - I am also joining the squares)

I will be joining this with black and pink yarn because I have not used this for this particular project (7 blankets joined in 7 different colors for 1 family). I have been told that one of the daughters does admit to liking pink ;)

Thank you to all who have contributed squares so far. Remember, this is an ongoing project - so we collect squares regularly. If you have squares you have not sent in yet, please email me and I will provide an address.

Thank you for all your help!


Friday, June 24, 2011

Donations Needed - can you help?

I don't ask. I don't feel comfortable asking. I feel that the squares you take time to make and pay to send are very generous and a great gift and contribution to this project. I have to ask even thought it hurts. If your sending squares, and you can afford to, could you send a couple dollars to help with postage costs for shipping completed blankets? It would really be a great help to the project. Like I said, I hate asking, and I only want you to send if you can afford to.